Who we are at ACLTA

Under the ACLTA Constitution, the Association is led by an executive committee comprising of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, National Liaison Officer, Membership coordinator, Professional Development Coordinator, Social Media Coordinator, and up to eight other State and Territory Representatives. Each member of the executive committee is elected for a two-year term, and must be a full professional member of ACLTA. You can view these job descriptions on our Official Documents page. From time to time, Working Parties/Committees are created, usually comprising of at least one Executive Member alongside other interested members. These Working Parties may be formed to facilitate the organisation of conferences, the development of resources, or other Association business.

Members are invited to contact the Executive via the Contact Us form on this website if they are interested in assisting in this way.

Who we are - Child Life Therapist in Australia - ACLTA - How to Become a Child Life Therapist

Current Executive 2022

Please direct any enquiries to email@childlife.org.au and we will forward onto the relevant executive member.

  • Tammy Young

    The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria

  • Karen Weir

    The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, New South Wales

  • Kate Strickland

    Healing Heard Beyond (private practice)

    Vanessa Starr (Mat Leave)

    The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, New South Wales

  • Tanya Walker

    Nepean Blue Mountains LHD, New South Wales

  • Kerry Crannis

    Royal North Shore Hospital, New South Wales

  • Aimee Kirkham

    The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria

  • New South Wales: Michelle Perrin
    John Hunter Hospital, New South Wales

    Victoria: Annabelle Russell
    Monash Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria

    Northern Territory: Position not filled

    Queensland: Meenu Wadhwa

    South Australia: Position not filled

    Tasmania: Pip Nolder

    Australian Capital Territory: Position not filled

    Western Australia: Position not filled

ACLTA Child Life Therapy  - Tammy Young

Tammy Young


  • Tammy Young works at Royal Children's Hospital. She has been a CLT for 9 years. Prior to this I worked in early childhood services for over 20 years across a range of early childhood education and intervention within kindergarten, community health settings and TAFE. I am passionate about family centre practice and including the child’s voice within the hospital setting.

  • Item description
ACLTA Child Life Therapy  - Karen Weir

Vice- Chairperson

Karen Weir


  • I am the current treasurer for the ACLTA. I have worked as a Child Life Therapist at the Children's Hospital at Westmead for the past 10 years across a variety of caseloads, with a particular focus on supporting children with cardiac conditions. I enjoy working with the executive team to support Child Life Therapists currently working within the field and to explore ways of advancing our profession in the future.

ACLTA - Kerry Crannis - Child Life Therapy

Kate Strickland


National Liaison

Kerry Crannis

Membership Co-ordinator

  • Hi! I’m Kate Strickland and I have been working as a Child Life Therapist for the past 9 years. I began my career working at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne where I worked predominately in the areas of Cardiac and PICU. I have a background in Occupational Therapy (Mental Health) and also in Education. I started my own organisation called Healing Hearts Beyond and currently provide community-based Child Life Therapy in Melbourne. 

  • I work as a sole practitioner Child Life Therapist on the Child and Adolescent ward at Royal North Shore Hospital located in St Leonards, Sydney and am the current Membership Coordinator. I have been a Play/ Child Life Therapist for 19 years. I commenced my role at RNSH in January 2018 and prior to this worked at Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick in 2002.

ACLTA Child Life Therapy  - Aimee Kirkham

Aimee Kirkham

Professional Development Coordinator

Social Media Coordinator

Michelle Perrin

New South Wales Representative

  • I am very excited to have joined the ACLTA committee to learn and work alongside professionals with the same passions - helping children. I am very lucky to be working as a Child Life Therapist at Royal Children's Hospital in the Medical Imaging department. I have a Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and then went on to complete my Masters in Sensory Disability. From there over the past ten years I have worked in a variety of early childhood settings and with Ronald McDonald House Charities in Newcastle. I have always wanted to become a Child Life Therapist and I am very much enjoying the demands of the role and how rewarding it is helping children in their time of need.

  • I have worked as a Child Life Therapist at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead for the past 8 years across a variety of clinical caseloads. I am currently working in the clinical areas of rehabilitation and palliative care. As the Secretary of the Association I support the effective functioning of the management committee and I look forward to assisting in the further development and promotion of the profession.

Meenu Wadhwa

Queensland Representative

  • " Hello from the sunshine state of Queensland. Based at The Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane, I am proud to share that following the success of a pilot project initiated in July 2022, the Child Life Therapist role has been acknowledged as permanent part of multidisciplinary team at Children's Services. With sixteen years of professional experience, I have come across many children, young people and their families. The thought of empowering families in their most vulnerable times is what I find most rewarding about my role. Currently, I am based in Children's Emergency department. My professional journey began as a Hospital Play Specialist in New Zealand where I had the privilege to work with paediatric consumers in varied clinical settings and diagnosis. It included general surgical, oncology, orthopedics, dental and maxillofacial, burns and plastics, rheumatic fever and eating disorders. Most weekends, I enjoy going on long walks with my family and my fur baby Lara.

    As a State representative on the board of executive, I am looking forward to understand and contribute towards the professional landscape of Child Life Therapy profession in Australia".

  • Michelle has been working as a Child Life Therapist since 2000. She worked in a range of clinical areas, and later as head of department at Sydney Children’s Hospital. Michelle relocated to John Hunter Children’s Hospital in 2011 where she leads the amazing team of Music, Art, & Child Life Therapists. Michelle’s current clinical areas are Paediatric Emergency and the burns and wounds clinic. Michelle is finishing her studies in the Master of Play Therapy at Deakin University, and has a passion for supporting children, young people, and family to feel empowered in their healthcare.

Pip Nolder

Tasmania Representative

  • Hi, I’m Pip Nolder, I’m the State Representative for Tasmania.

    I’ve worked in the CLT space for 12 years now under the title Play Specialist. We work under the Occupational Therapy umbrella.

    My qualifications are in Early Childhood Education and Care, and I work two days a week in that space externally and two days a week in the Royal Hobart Hospital.

    In 2020 (mid COVID) we moved from our previous 23 bed ward that catered to children and young people from birth to 18 years to our new split ward with adolescents on one side and children (under12 generally) on the other side.  We almost doubled our capacity. This change has meant a change in the role from working with all ages to our role predominantly being on the children’s side, while diversional therapists cater for the adolescent’s side. I do miss working with the adolescents but there is plenty of demand for our services on the children’s side.

    I see most children during the day, prioritising long term patients, procedural support, anxiety reduction and educational medical play.

    I have learned so much from being a part of ACLTA, especially attending conferences and webinars and networking when the opportunity arises.

    Outside of work I enjoy bushwalking, reading, travel, dealing with my three-year-old (sometimes challenging) hound and spending time with my grandsons.

Position vacant

(Please contact ACLTA if you are interested in filling this position)

Victoria Representative